OSX: Fixing SSH hangs!

This glitch is pretty annoying. You’re following a log, while connected to a server (through ssh), and after a while, your ssh connection hangs.
The solution?.

Fire up Terminal, and type the following: nano ~/.ssh/config

Once there, fill up the following:

ServerAliveInterval 300
ServerAliveCountMax 120

That should keep your connection alive for the next 10 hours, without further issues.

Fixing SVN hangs on OSX

I’m writing this, right here, so i know where to pick it up next time i get the same issue. Thanks to Jonathan, who wrote this awesome post, and saved me quite a lot of time.

Long short story, it seems there is a buggy library on OSX, that produces broken SSL connections to hang for quite some time. Workaround?

sudo port install neon

That should upgrade the faulty library, and fix this annoying issue.

Install Lynx on Max OSX

This task is pretty straightforward. At least if you already’ve got MacPorts installed.
(If you don’t have macports, please, head on to this website and get it, it’s extremely useful to geeky users).

Let’s proceed.!. Open a Terminal window, and type the following command

sudo port install lynx

That’d be all. To test Lynx, type the following:

lynx www.lantean.co

If everything went fine, you should see something like this:
Lynx Mac

Howto Uninstall Flash Player from a Mac

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably aware of the dangers of Flash Player. And you’ve read, most probably, about the last couple of viruses / penetrations to Facebook and Google.

Steve Jobs hated Adobe Flash…  personally, i say he had a very good reason. If wasn’t, probably, just because Adobe refused (at first) to publish its suite for Mac. He knew that it was troublesome… so… let’s proceed removing that junk from our system!.

First: Download the Uninstaller

If you’re running Snow Leopard (or newer), you’re gonna need to download the Flash Player Uninstaller. However, if you’re running an older version (Leopard and Tiger), please, download this uninstaller.

You’re gonna need to double click on the DMG file, and click on the “Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller” application. You should get the following window onscreen:


Second: Proceed uninstalling

This is pretty straightforward. Simply hit the ‘Uninstall’ button, and it will all be over, soon enough. You will be required to close all of your browsers first. Once it’s all over, you should see the following screen:

Congratulations! welcome to the future!. HTML 5 is becoming the web standard… and we certainly don’t need Adobe to run anything on a browser.

Mac NTFS support

Mac NTFS support

Ahhhhh… you need to mount a friend’s pendrive… or you have an external HD with a Windows partition, and you’ve just realized you need to add your Mac NTFS support?.

You came to the right place!. Yes, there are a couple paid options… like tuxera and paragon. Both of them are good options, but they cost a couple dollars. And… we just wanna read a couple files… we’re not gonna be living with NTFS the whole time, right?.

So, if that’s the same scenario you’re living with, let’s proceed with a free option!. Open up your browser, and open OSX Fuse’s website. You’ll need to hit the downloads tab, and install the DMG.

OSX Fuse is an extension platform… so we’ll need to install another component. Let’s open another browser tab, and let’s download NTFS 3G.

After you install NTFS 3G, you should be able to mount any NTFS partition…. at no cost.

Nice, right?