App Review: Reeder

I’ve tried several RSS Readers for Mac. Many of them are free… such as Google Reader, or Capuccino. But a couple weeks ago i sumbled upon Reeder. I dare to say… it’s the best RSS Reader you’ll be able to find, anywhere else.

Why is that?. Well, the UI is pretty awesome… take a look:


Reeder has several UI styles. Personally, i use the layout portraited above. You get your feed list on the left… the posts in the middle, and the actual post on the right.

Now here’s something interesting. If you click over a post, the app hides the Feed List, and automatically enhances the post itself. Reeder has also something super cool. It’s Gestures-Enabled, which means that you can just swipe to the left or right, and trigger several actions (of course, you can configure that).

Most important of all… you can connect Reeder to your Google Reader account, and that’s it, this guy is gonna keep everything in sync. You could run it across several OSX installations, and… everything will be in sync.

I know it ** might ** be a bit expensive, for a simple rss reader. But trust me, this ain’t no simple reader.. and i believe it’s totally worth it!.

Showing current folder in Terminal’s Title

This is a nice trick i’ve learnt not long ago. Nice, and useful. If you run OSX, and you’d like Terminal to display the current folder, in its title… to looks something like this:


All you need to do is to edit the .profile in your home directory, and type the following line:

export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;[${PWD/$HOME/~}]\007"'

Nice, right?

Fixing ‘Show in Finder’

I’ve been dealing with an annoying glitch in OSX 10.8.2. For some reason, ‘show in finder’ breaks down… on its own.

The workaround is…

sudo killall -KILL appleeventsd

Let’s just hope a real fix shows up, sooner rather than later.

Fixing “iTunes was unable to load dataclass” Error

I’ve been dealing with the “iTunes was unable to load dataclass” for several hours.
I’ve uninstalled iTunes, Xcode, deleted the Mobile Device Support… reinstalled everything, booted the system, and nothing seemed to work.

After searching for quite some time, i’ve found this post. Long short story, if you delete this framework:


…and right afterwards you relaunch Xcode (which will, as a result, reinstall such framework)… you should be able to get rid of this… annoooooooooying problem.