Bruteforcing WEP Keys

Today… we’ll take a look at WEP key-breaking. We’ll use a linux live-cd distribution called backtrack. It’s a linux distribution bundled with a load of hacking / cracking tools. It’s free, and it’s pretty cool.

So… first step… download and burn it!.
I’ll assume you know how to boot it and launch a bash terminal. Let’s begin from there.
We’re gonna use two command-line tools: airodump-ng and aircrack-ng. So… let’s open a terminal, and type the following commands:

airmon-ng start [interface]
(Your interface is probably gonna be called something like wlan0...  you can check the available interfaces with ifconfig command).
airodump-ng wlan0 --write OUTPUT-FILE

What’s going on here?. Airmon will set your wifi card into promiscuous mode. Which means that it won’t just let you see packets sent to your own mac address. Instead, you’re gonna need to monitor all of the traffic in the air.

On top of that, airodump-ng will dump into a file all of the traffic recorded. Why?. In order to successfully crack a WEP key, you need to gather at least 10k ‘Initialization Vectors’. We’re not gonna get into details of what is that… not in this post. But the point is that.. wanna crack a WEP… need a lot of traffic.

Let’s go on. Launch a second bash terminal, and type the following:

aircrack-ng OUTPUT-FILE-01.cap

This second tool is gonna ask you which network is it that you wanna crack, and it’ll try to break the WEP encryption. If it’s unable to do it with the current traffic log, you’ll get a message saying something like ‘try with 10000 IVs’, or ‘try with 15000’.

It’s just a matter of time now…

AES Encrypted Chat!

Well, this time i’m not gonna share an HTML trick, library, or whatsoever. A friend of mine sent me a link… and i said… WOW… this is written in javascript alone?.

It’s a web-based, encrypted chat. Pretty amazing… there is no java applet anywhere to be seen. So… it’s kind of a disposable, encrypted chat. If you wanna… have a secure communications channel, for whatever reason, you can give it a shot.!

The UI is retro… it feels like playing with the chat they’ve used in ‘The Net’ film. Check it out..