SSH SFTP Updater : “Private key incorrect for user”

If you’re using WordPress SSH SFTP Updater plugin, and you got the error “Private Key is Incorrect for use”… even when the keys are correct, check the following:

[cc lang=”bash”]nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config[/cc]

If there is a “ForceCommand internal-sftp” directive, somewhere, in sshd’s config, try disabling it. That was what was causing me issues:

I had an sftp-only user, and the WP plugin doesn’t support that!.

Dropping a MongoDB Database

I’m writing this down, riiight here, because i just got bored of searching this in google everytime i need to run an experiment.
If you need to drop a mongo database, just fire the mongo shell and type:

[cc lang=”javascript”]
use mydb;

That’s it!

Install Lynx on Max OSX

This task is pretty straightforward. At least if you already’ve got MacPorts installed.
(If you don’t have macports, please, head on to this website and get it, it’s extremely useful to geeky users).

Let’s proceed.!. Open a Terminal window, and type the following command

[cc lang=”bash”]sudo port install lynx[/cc]

That’d be all. To test Lynx, type the following:

[cc lang=”bash”]lynx[/cc]

If everything went fine, you should see something like this:
Lynx Mac

Warp Drive is Possible!

Warp Drive

Not long ago i’ve read Michio Kaku’s book, Science of the Impossible. If you have enough spare time to pick up a new book, i’d like to recommend it.

Michio suggests, in his book, that building a Warp Drive might become a reality in the next 100 years. But what are the grounds on that saying?.

Alcubierre Warp Drive

Proposed by physicist Miguel Alcubierre, the Alcubierre’s Drive is a solution to Einstein’s Relativistic equations. For it to work, we need matter with negative mass… which, as of today, hasn’t been discovered yet.

The idea behind the Alcubierre Drive is pretty clever. An object cannot achieve light speed on its own, because it’s mass would grow to infinity. So… as a brilliant alternative, Miguel proposed that we should move the space around us, instead.

How is that?. Well… imagine you place a toy-car on a sheet of paper. And instead of moving the car… you move the sheet of paper on which it’s standing. The toy would stand still, but the “space” around it would have moved.

If you’d like to go on reading about this, i suggest you click on the Alcubierre’s wikipedia entry!.

Dark Matter

The universe is expanding. Almost every human being with a rudimentary education knows that. But physicists have been struggling for the last hundred years with a serious problem.

We know that everything is moving away…. yes, because of the big bang. But thing is… the universe is not only expanding. It’s expanding at an accelerated rate. And that, my friends, is one of the greatest mysteries of science.

One of the most widely accepted theory that can explain this is… there is dark matter all around us. Why dark?. Because we cannot see it directly. And this dark matter, theoretically, matches THE Alcubierre’s Drive requirement: Dark Matter, if it even exists, needs to have negative mass.

Why negative mass?. Well… objects with positive mass attract other objects. That’s known as Gravity. If you wanna repel other objects… you need to twist that around: you need negative mass.

In Speculation Phase

We have the theoretical background that makes Faster Than Light… a theoretical possibility. That’s a HUGE difference with the science of the previous century. At this point, at least, we can dream of building an Enterprise ship.

Hopefully… our grandchildren will be able to experience our dreams. That is… reaching the stars!.

By the way… NASA has its own ‘Status of Warp Drive‘ webpage.