Google Chromebook Pixel

Google Chromebook Pixel


Google has just announced they’d be releasing a new iteration of their chromebooks. They’d call it ‘Pixel’, because they want the pixels, literally, to disappear.

It has a 12.85 inches screen, with a stunning resolution of 2560×1700. That’s beyond Mac Retina… well, just a little bit. Furthermore, it has a touchscreen built with Gorilla Glass display.

Hardware?. Intel i3 running at 1.8ghz, 8gb of ram, and 32gb of flash storage. Not much, but you need to consider that this notebook has been built to work in the cloud… so you wouldn’t be storing, locally, documents.

Personally, i don’t like it. I’m not comfortable with the idea of not having my documents stored in my own machine. Furthermore, at a 1200 dollars price tag (for the wifi version), and 1400 for the 3g capable, i believe that local storage should be far beyond 32gb.

I’ve tested the previous version of the chromebooks, built by Samsung… and let me say just this. It’s less useful than an iPad, but it has a built in keyboard. So, if you’re still interested in buying this device, i strongly suggest you take a look at an iPad + Keboard. You might find it interesting!.

Apple Got Hacked!?


In a recent press release, Apple announced that a small group of computers in their network got hacked. You might be wondering… how in the hell this happened?.

The answer is pretty simple. Java Virtual Machine has been found to ve **very** insecure. Several zero-day exploits have been uncovered, and long short story, if you’ve got Java VM installed in your machine, i suggest you disable it. As soon as possible!.

Who were these hackers?. It sounds crazy, but it has been determined that the attack came from China. Specifically, from a military facility. It seems that the war, these days, has evolved to computer security.

I’d like to recall that Facebook got hacked, also, a couple weeks ago. Remember about it?. Well, the exact same group of hackers is said to be behind this new attack against Apple.

By the way… no important information has been affected. So don’t expect to see iPhone 6 mockups in the net, because it just won’t happen.

Stay safe!

Howto Uninstall Flash Player from a Mac

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably aware of the dangers of Flash Player. And you’ve read, most probably, about the last couple of viruses / penetrations to Facebook and Google.

Steve Jobs hated Adobe Flash…  personally, i say he had a very good reason. If wasn’t, probably, just because Adobe refused (at first) to publish its suite for Mac. He knew that it was troublesome… so… let’s proceed removing that junk from our system!.

First: Download the Uninstaller

If you’re running Snow Leopard (or newer), you’re gonna need to download the Flash Player Uninstaller. However, if you’re running an older version (Leopard and Tiger), please, download this uninstaller.

You’re gonna need to double click on the DMG file, and click on the “Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller” application. You should get the following window onscreen:


Second: Proceed uninstalling

This is pretty straightforward. Simply hit the ‘Uninstall’ button, and it will all be over, soon enough. You will be required to close all of your browsers first. Once it’s all over, you should see the following screen:

Congratulations! welcome to the future!. HTML 5 is becoming the web standard… and we certainly don’t need Adobe to run anything on a browser.

Human Brain Project: Real Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has become a part of our lifes. Almost everyone has a smartphone capable of running simple AI… Siri became a commodity. But the limitations are not easily dismissed… the current state of the art is far beyond what you might believe.

Self awareness is a no-go.. specially when we don’t even fully understand where consciousness emerges. Is it a side effect of the multi-dimensional neuron network?. Or is it something else?.
Well, luckily, i’m not the only one thinking about these questions. The European Union announced that they will invest 1200 million dollars over the next ten years, in order to build a model of the human brain.

The goal is to map every single network in our brain. And they won’t just stop there. The team responsible of this project intends to simulate a human body, connected to this brain.As a result, we will have… in a couple years, a baby-mind modeled. Who knows what will happen, or what we will learn?. Check out the video..!!

====== Updated ======

artificial brain As a brief sidenote, i’d like to point out that there is yet another brain simulation project, that has been going on for the past couple of years. I’m referring to the Blue Brain Project, which, the same as its european counterpart, intends to replicate the neural connections of an entire human brain.

Downside to that is… they don’t have the funding that the previous project has, so the EU counterpart is almost a safe bet.
If you wanna simulate a brain, you need raw power. A LOT!… and the only way to build the hardware, is with a mountain of money, literally speaking.

Mac NTFS support

Mac NTFS support

Ahhhhh… you need to mount a friend’s pendrive… or you have an external HD with a Windows partition, and you’ve just realized you need to add your Mac NTFS support?.

You came to the right place!. Yes, there are a couple paid options… like tuxera and paragon. Both of them are good options, but they cost a couple dollars. And… we just wanna read a couple files… we’re not gonna be living with NTFS the whole time, right?.

So, if that’s the same scenario you’re living with, let’s proceed with a free option!. Open up your browser, and open OSX Fuse’s website. You’ll need to hit the downloads tab, and install the DMG.

OSX Fuse is an extension platform… so we’ll need to install another component. Let’s open another browser tab, and let’s download NTFS 3G.

After you install NTFS 3G, you should be able to mount any NTFS partition…. at no cost.

Nice, right?